Eugene, Oregon

Antique Stores

Antique shops and malls in Eugene, Oregon, listed by name and address with a description, plus a map feature showing all antique stores in the vicinity of Eugene.

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China Traders Antiques
4506 Paddock Dr, Eugene, OR 97405
(541) 344-3855
Offers an assortment from antique and used furniture, to military paraphernalia, swords and muskets, to glass and oil lamps, and musical instruments.

Cummings & Associates
475 Salty Way, Eugene, OR 97404
(541) 345-5856
Cummings & Associates
Provides appraisal services for estates, antiques.

Listoy Greetings Dot Com
730 Conger St, Eugene, OR 97402
(541) 632-2182
Listoy Greetings Dot Com
Has a catalog of items, sells on craigslist.

Treasures from the Heart
90034 Prairie Rd, Eugene, OR 97402
(541) 688-5840
Treasures from the Heart
A unique collection of vintage, cottage, garden, rustic treasures and repurposed goods. Great finds inside and out.

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